Klotho gene polymorphism -395 G
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Department of Pneumonology, Medical School of Alexandroupolis Democritus University of Thrace
Department of Endocrinology, Medical School of Alexandroupolis Democritus University of Thrace
Genetics Unit, Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece
Publication date: 2021-07-26
Corresponding author
Ioannis Sotiriou   

Department of Pneumonology University Hospital of Alexandroupolis 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece
Pneumon 2010;23(4):348-354
The function of the Klotho gene, originally identified by insertional mutagenesis in mice, is to suppress multiple aging phenotypes. It has been shown that a mutant Klotho gene is associated with pulmonary emphysema in mice. The aims of this study were to detect Klotho gene polymorphisms (-395G>A SNP) and to identify their possible relationships with clinical findings in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In 167 patients with COPD -395G>A SNP of the Klotho gene was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) coupled with sequencing. The possible relationship was explored of -395G>A SNP with clinical findings such as lung function parameters, staging according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), and body mass index (BMI).

Of the 167patients with COPD, 99 (59.3%) presented the wild type -395G allele, 62 (37.1%) were heterozygotes (–395GA allele), and 6 (3.6%) presented the non-wild type–395A allele. In these COPD patients there was an association between Klotho genotypes and BMI (p=0.025). No association was found between Klotho gene polymorphism and disease severity, assessed by spirometry, arterial blood gases and GOLD stage.

Klotho -395G>A polymorphisms are detected in patients with COPD and are associated with BMI, but not with various parameters of disease severity. This may suggest a possible metabolic pathway in the implication of Klotho deficient gene in the pathophysiology of emphysema in COPD patients.
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