Introduction of new technologies in Pneumonology training Μedical students can show us the way
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Research Fellow, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Assistant Professor in Pneumonology, Medical School and University Hospital, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Corresponding author
Paschalis Steiropoulos   

Medical School and University Hospital, Democritus University of Thrace, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece
Pneumon 2018;31(1):17-23
Over the last years new technologies are used to enhance the quality of medical education and to improve the educational experience. Social media are becoming popular tools for augmenting the effectiveness of education in various academic aspects and, especially, YouTube has been used as an adjunctive tool in medical students’ training. Aim of the study was to examine the use of YouTube videos as learning tools for Pneumonology clerkship by the students and their impact in the acquisition of clinical skills and theoretical knowledge.

An anonymous, online survey completed by medical students attending their fourth year of studies at the Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace (six year curriculum) was conducted. The questionnaire contained demographic questions and questions about the potential benefit of YouTube channel videos in the pulmonary training of medical students.

Response rate was 87%. Respondents’ perception was that YouTube channels are useful as educational tools. Specifically, 41.1% of them reported getting “very much” or “much” benefit from online videos and the percentage increased to 65%, when specific videos were used as examples (p<0.001).

Usage of YouTube videos as adjunct educational tools has an apparent positive impact on students’ comprehension of Pneumonology. Therefore, their value as a potential official training method should be further tested and could be strongly considered in the future.
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