Intensive care in cases with thoracic and extrathoracic malignant solid tumours: Indications and survival
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Department Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Yedikule Chest Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation, Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Corresponding author
Levent Dalar   

Department of Pulmonary Medicine, School of Medicine, Istanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey
Pneumon 2015;28(3):222-229
The patients with thoracic and extra-thoracic solid organ tumours hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) were retrospectively analyzed and the effects of their ICU stays on survival rates were investigated.

Medical files of the patients hospitalized in the adult ICUs between January 2010 and September 2013 were retrospectively investigated. ICU stays of the cases with solid organ tumours were evaluated and survival related factors were analyzed. The correlation between available parametres and survival rates was analyzed.

A total of 87 patients (74 males) with a mean age of 64.07 ± 11.90 years were included in the study. The cases were divided into 2 groups as those with thoracic (n = 52; 59.8%) and extrathoracic (n = 35; 40.2%) malignancies. Thoracic malignancies were divided within themselves into two subgroups as SCLC (n = 11; 21.2%) and NSCLC (n = 41; 78.8%) and their survival rates were compared. Respiratory failure (n = 35; 40.2%), respiratory failure and additional indications (n = 37; 42.5%) and other indications (n = 15; 17.2%) were main indications. Mean duration of ICU stays was 12.95 ± 16.48 days (range 1-105). Fifty (57.5%) cases died, 6 (6.9%) patients transferred to another center and 31 cases (35.6%) were discharged. Hospitalization times of the cases with respect to mortality rates were significantly different (p = 0.014). Mean survival was 6.78 ± 1.81 months and six month-survival rate was 29.7%.

Treatment of patients with thoracic and extra-thoracic solid organ tumours in the ICU increases their survivals; however, admission of cancer patients into an ICU should be based on certain objective criteria.
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