ATS/ERS: American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society,
AX: Reactance Area,
BMI: Body Mass Index,
COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
EBC: Exhaled Breath Condensate,
FeNO: Exhaled Nitrogen Oxide,
fdr: Frequency Dependence of Resistance,
FRC: Functional Residual Capacity,
fres: Resonant Frequency,
IOS: Impulse Oscillometry,
IQR: Inter-quartile range,
R5: Resistance at 5 Hz,
R10: Resistance at 10 Hz,
R20: Resistance at 20 Hz,
SD: Standard deviation,
SHS: Second-Hand Smoke,
10/250: exposure for 10 min. in a 250 μg/m3
concentration of PM2.5,
20/250: exposure for 20 min. in a 250 μg/m3
concentration of PM2.5,
10/500: exposure for 10 min. in a 500 μg/m3
concentration of PM2.5,
20/500: exposure for 20 min. in a 500 μg/m3
concentration of PM2.5,
X5: Distal Capacity Reactance at 5 Hz,
X20: Reactance at 20 Hz,
Z5: Total Impedance at 5 Hz
All authors declare that no funding was received for the work described in this manuscript