COPD exacerbation in ICU
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ICU, 1st Respiratory Medicine Department, University of Athens, Medical School, “Sotiria” Hospital, Athens, Greece
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Nikoletta Rovina   

1st Respiratory Medicine Department, University of Athens, Medical School, “Sotiria” Hospital 152 Mesogion Ave, 11527 Athens, Greece
Pneumon 2014;27(3):242-248
Exacerbations affect the progression of COPD, especially when hospitalization is required. During COPD exacerbation, patient has increased respiratory effort, which sometimes can lead to fatigue of respiratory muscles and finally respiratory failure requiring mechanical support and ICU admission. The prognosis of patients with COPD exacerbation admitted in ICU is disappointing. Clinicians often face difficulty in taking the decision for intubating patients with COPD exacerbation, mainly because these patients usually have prolonged stay in ICU, difficult and prolonged weaning, many complications and finally poor outcome. In this review will be analyzed the indications for mechanical ventilation, pathophysiology, the clinical characteristics of COPD patients admitted in ICU, factors that affect outcome, and treatment of them in accordance with current guidelines.
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