Attitudes, knowledge, and practices of hospital employees on tuberculosis
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Department of Pneumonology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina, Greece
Corresponding author
Stavros H. Constantopoulos   

Dept of Pneumonology, Medical School University of Ioannina 45500 Ioannina, Greece
Pneumon 2014;27(4):323-331
To assess the knowledge and practices of hospital employees on TB in Northwestern Greece.

A structured questionnaire was administered to employees in Ioannina University Hospital. Questions were related to knowledge on TB transmission route, infectious types, preventive measures adopted during the management of a suspected case, and suggested placement for a patient with active TB.

Questionnaires were completed by 789 employees including 192 physicians, 436 nurses, 67 technicians, 72 assistants, and 22 administrators. Most employees recognized respiratory droplets as transmission route (86.1%), and pulmonary TB as infectious (88.6%); however, only 25% acknowledged that TB is an airborne disease. Additionally, few (18.6%) recognized laryngeal TB as infectious. Among 491 who had managed a suspected case, 75.8% used regular masks, 8.8% high protection masks, while 15.4% did not wear masks. For newly diagnosed patients, 63.6% of employees supported care in special infectious disease units, while 31.7% supported care in a regular hospital ward, in isolation.

Hospital employees may lack specific knowledge on less common routes of transmission of TB and often fail to practice certain guidelines for suspected TB cases.
The authors wish to thank the Medical and other personel of the Pulmonary Department, Hospital of the University of Ioannina and especially Ch. Katsanos, Ch. Koubaniou and M. Matthaiou, NHS Directors for their administrative and scientific contribution and Ms Helen N. Prevezianou for excellent secretarial assistance.
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