Alternative microbiologic methods for the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia
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Pneumon 2002;15(2):189-195
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequent cause of community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Conventional diagnostic methods are frequently not rapid nor sensitive enough, to guide initial antibiotic therapy. A new method of a rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT), Binax NOW Streptococcus Pneumoniae Urinary Antigen Test, by Binax, increases the diagnostic yield for pneumococci in patients with CAP. The sensivity and specifitidy of the test is 80,4% and 97,2% respectively, results are given in 15΄, it is technically simple and it does not require any special equipment. We performed the ICT test for the detection of PnC antigen of pneumococcus in urine, in 66 patients with CAP. PnC was detected in 14/66 (21,2%) of cases. In only 1/14 case (7,1%) there was a positive result in the blood culture, while in 9/14 (64,3%) of cases, all results were negative by conventional methods. In conclusion, the ICT method for the detection of S.pneumoniae antigen in urine, with the Binax NOW pneumococcus Urinary Antigen Test, in patients with CAP, allows a rapid diagnosis of a pneumococcal infection and increases the efficiency of conventional methods. Pneumon 2002, (2):189-195.
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